Cloud Downloader

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Cloud Downloader 2.9Hiermit hat der Cloud Downloader (ehemals Soundcloud Downloader) nun ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Aktuelle Informationen Updates und Downloadlinks werdet ihr von nun an auf dieser Seite finden. Solltet ihr Fragen, Anregungen oder Wünsche haben, hinterlasst mir einfach einen Kommentar.

Für alle, die den Cloud Downloader noch nicht kennen, habe ich nachfolgend noch einmal ein kurzes Video eingebunden. Ansonsten lässt sich der Sinn des Cloud Downloaders auch relativ schnell zusammenfassen.

Ihr öffnet den Downloader, fügt einen Link von zum Beispiel einem ein, und klickt auf Suchen. Danach zeigt euch der Downloader alle verfügbaren Songs an und ihr könnt diese dann mit einem weiteren Klick ohne Umstände herunterladen. Wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid, welcher Song in der Ergebnisliste der richtige ist, könnt ihr mit dem kleinen “Play”-Button am rechten Ende der Tabelle direkt in den Song hineinhören.

Der Cloud Downloader ist und bleibt kostenlos. Wenn ihr Geld dafür bezahlt habt, verlangt es zurück und meldet den Verkäufer. Über eine kleine Spende freue ich mich dennoch immer, denn in solch einem Projekt steckt immer viel Zeit und Herzblut.

NEU – Download: Cloud Downloader 3.1

viele Grüße, Raffael

Du willst helfen? Dann gib doch eine kleine Spende ab.

pixel Cloud Downloader

401 Kommentare

  1. Hey the program can’t find some of the songs.

    I am trying to get these: however only a few show up and I am using 2.0

    • Raffisays:

      If I enter this link, the Cloud Downloader shows me up 5 Songs. That’s Correct. The Cloud Downloader grabs/shows all songs, which are shown in a player on the given page. Concerning your link, this are the 5 tracks listed as “spotlight”.

      If you wand more/all songs you have to take the URL of the “tracks” tab.
      This is these one:

      Also y9ou have to enter the links for every page of the track section like this one (for example):

      Hope this solves your issue.


  2. tu es le meilleur!
    you are the best!
    you are the chosen one!

  3. Chris Brownsays:

    tnx mate you save ma a$$$ xD

  4. where can i donate!!!!!!!

    • Raffisays:

      Give me a day. Then there’ll be a button for donations. ;) I’ll inform you by mail if you want…

  5. Hey cool stuff how can I donate to say thanks :)

  6. You need to implement auto update.Also besides the annoying pop up with the website(Which for your convenience you can’t copy!?) on the program itself theres no home website you would never know where the hell you download the update from

  7. Mr.Impsays:

    Thanx! Saved me in a moment of a great need!

  8. – Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer)


  9. Tanukisays:

    Raffi, thanks again for your wonderful program. It works great. I have used it on

    This is a great DJ, he has 50 mixes according to his starting page, so he has 5 different Soundcloud-pages, it seems that every page has 10 mixes.
    Could this calculation of “all pages” be something to automate in versie 3.0 ?

    • Raffisays:

      You could check the checkbox save search results. So you could search songs for all 5 pages without losing the songs you found, yet. So you can download them all in one downloadtask.


      • Tanukisays:

        thank you.
        I used that way. To be a nitpicker: the URL is wiped out automatically if I do a new search (for a soundcloud-page that only differs in the number). This is easily fixed by me with a copy+paste of the orginal URL.
        If I combine for instance 5 pages, the “higher” page numbers are added at the end of the download queue. It took me a while to find out that I had already added page 2,3 and so on.
        But don’t worry, it’s a great program as it is.

  10. Can’t start it, crashes. Win7 64.

    • mw111says:

      It works perfectly on my Win7 64… no problem…

    • Raffisays:

      Have you installed the .Net-Framework 4.0? Have you left ALL files from the downloaded Archive in the same folder? (Don’t copy only the .exe-file into another directory!)

  11. Tompopssays:

    …If you’ve got half a brain and don’t use a Mac.

    • geht ohne Probleme, wenn man die Kompabilität auf Windows Vista SP2 setzt .. auch bei x64 Systemen.

      Danke. Geiles Tool.

  12. unexpectedsays:

    don’t work ot Win7, don’t work on XP too..

  13. carlossays:

    for mac users?

  14. Mikey Psychosays:

    works perfectly thanks man

  15. VoodaGodsays:

    Ich liebe dieses Programm, funktioniert perfekt!
    Danke!! :D

  16. i tried to download it and it wouldnt let me open it

  17. and if you don’t want to have to do open it from the folder every time, just put it on your desktop of startbar? The portability is a nice feature.

  18. So far so good, nice and easy if you’ve got half a brain, thanks.

  19. Dikaysays:


    ich hab den cloud-dl runter geladen und wollte ihn starten aber startet gar nicht sondern stürzt direkt ab. Habe die Rar entpackt alles in einem ORdner gelassen und wollte die *.exe direkt Starten.

    WIn7 UltimateN 64 Bit
    .NET Framework 4.x ist ebendalls vorhanden (frisch geupdated)
    Ebenfall getestet Kompatibilitätsmouds XP SP3; keine Besserung
    sowie mit Adminrechten auch keine Chance es zum Starten zu bringen.

    Stopped working

    Problemereignisname: CLR20r3
    Problemsignatur 01: clouddownloader.exe
    Problemsignatur 02:
    Problemsignatur 03: 4eca9cee
    Problemsignatur 04: CloudDownloader
    Problemsignatur 05:
    Problemsignatur 06: 4eca9cee
    Problemsignatur 07: 20
    Problemsignatur 08: 7
    Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7600.
    Gebietsschema-ID: 1031

    Danke im vorraus Gruß

    • Raffisays:

      Hast du schon “Rechtsklick=>Als Administrator ausführen” ausprobiert? Hast du evtl. keinen Windows Mediaplayer? Fehlt dir die Schriftart “Arial Unicode MS” (Siehe Systemsteuerung=>Schriftarten). Sollte der Fehler immer noch auftreten, werde ich noch einmal meinen Code ordentlich durchforsten.

      Viele Grüße,

  20. ladybugssays:

    Mh… no Windows Defender here, either.

    Of course I’m willing to run a few tests! It’s not about downloading the files per se – it can be done manually by looking at the html source – I just think it’s fair to invest a little energy :)

  21. ladybugssays:

    Hello Raffi! I tested that page and others, including pages with only one piece, and there were no results even after 5 minutes. What happens is: the “happy cloud” image with the moving “candy bar” flashes for a short time (under 1 second), then only an empty panel is displayed – with the status bar saying “Currently no download active”.

    The strange thing is, I remember that v1.4 and v1.5 worked perfectly (and not at all too slowly), so it must be something in my own computer configuration… but I can’t understand what (firewall is most definitely turned off).

    A small remark: the application announces itself as “CloudDownloader 1.5” even if it’s v2.0 (Windows: Properties -> Version tab).

    @Mat – You can save the CloudDownloader folder to a permanent place (like for example \Program Files\CloudDownloader\) and create a shortcut to CloudDownloader.exe in the Start menu yourself…

    • Raffisays:

      Oh, I forgot to change the version in the properties page. My fault. Sorry. :/
      Concerning the other problem. I don’t know what it could be. Maybe blocked in Windows Defender?
      If you like I could compile you a version which writes a really detailed debug protocol so that we can find the source of the problem. But only if you like. If you say that this is to much work for you or you aren’t motivated, then I could understand that, too…


  22. Hey i love this app but i have one problem with it hope someone can help me out,

    everytime i want to use clouddownloader is have to reinstall the program..

    could well be im doing something wrong,

    plz help!

    • Raffisays:

      How do you install it? It’s concepted as a portable app. You only have to unzip the downloaded archive into any folder and double click on the .exe-file to start it. There’s no installtion at all.
      Could you please describe me your problem more detailed?


      • allright then i get it, i just wanted it to be a regular program so that i can find it in my Start-program-bar and stuff

        but nevermind then and thanks for the answer

  23. ladybugssays:

    No proxy and no firewall, but searching any Soundcloud URL gives no results in the Downloads pane – even URLs that used to work before, and which I actually downloaded from, using your Cloud Downloader.

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