Cloud Downloader

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Cloud Downloader 2.9Hiermit hat der Cloud Downloader (ehemals Soundcloud Downloader) nun ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Aktuelle Informationen Updates und Downloadlinks werdet ihr von nun an auf dieser Seite finden. Solltet ihr Fragen, Anregungen oder Wünsche haben, hinterlasst mir einfach einen Kommentar.

Für alle, die den Cloud Downloader noch nicht kennen, habe ich nachfolgend noch einmal ein kurzes Video eingebunden. Ansonsten lässt sich der Sinn des Cloud Downloaders auch relativ schnell zusammenfassen.

Ihr öffnet den Downloader, fügt einen Link von zum Beispiel einem ein, und klickt auf Suchen. Danach zeigt euch der Downloader alle verfügbaren Songs an und ihr könnt diese dann mit einem weiteren Klick ohne Umstände herunterladen. Wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid, welcher Song in der Ergebnisliste der richtige ist, könnt ihr mit dem kleinen “Play”-Button am rechten Ende der Tabelle direkt in den Song hineinhören.

Der Cloud Downloader ist und bleibt kostenlos. Wenn ihr Geld dafür bezahlt habt, verlangt es zurück und meldet den Verkäufer. Über eine kleine Spende freue ich mich dennoch immer, denn in solch einem Projekt steckt immer viel Zeit und Herzblut.

NEU – Download: Cloud Downloader 3.1

viele Grüße, Raffael

Du willst helfen? Dann gib doch eine kleine Spende ab.

pixel Cloud Downloader

401 Kommentare

  1. iTzMattsays:

    How come it can’t download songs at 320KBPS quality?

  2. Hi Raffi,

    vielen lieben dank für dieses schöne praktische tool ;-) Bei mir läuft alles super und ich bin richtig begeistert, dass ich dieses Tool mit meiner Sprachausgabe gut lesen und nutzen kann. Ja ich bin seit geburt an blind und nutze auf meinem Windows Pc Jaws das ist eine sprachausgabensoftware für Blinde und leider sind die meisten Programme im Netz schwer zugänglich für blinde Anwender weil meist zu grafisch usw. Aber dein tool ist echt super! Mach weiter so. Aber ich zwei Fragen wird der Cloudloader auch in deutsch übersetzt und die noch wichtigere Frage, kannst du ein auswahlmenü einbauen wo man die Bitrate selbst bestimmen kann? Ich wäre echt froh wenn ich die Musik in 320 Kbps laden könnte. Gibt es da eventuell die Möglichkeit das einzubauen?

    Viele liebe grüße aus Offenbach am Main


  3. Maddtronsays:

    Yo i can’t download a song either,


    Please help.

  4. Hi! I Looooove your program! Each update bings it closer to perfection! Amazing thing you’ve done here!
    I have one question:
    How can I help you translating the interface to Dutch. Not that I need it, but it might be useful to others.. Or don’t you need help?
    Let me know..


    • Raffisays:

      I’ll send you a mail with the phrases which have to be translated. Which language do you prefer? German or english?

      With best regards,

      • English is fine with me.. ;-)

        Btw. I love the fact the songs are now downloaded with the title of the song instead of the uploaded name of the mp3. Awesome!
        Send me an email and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!


  5. im having a problem.. i can’t download the song.. when i hit the search button, it’s searching, yes, but it’ll stop and nothing will appear.. when i just copied the url from the browser.. please help me sir.. :(( thankyou..

    the one i can’t download.. please help me.. :(

  6. wiggosays:

    Best programme! so easy to use,
    downloaded the programme and had downloaded 3 songs in under 5 minutes,
    cheers for this!

  7. Stephensays:

    Hi, works great, although when i try to download the songs, it prompts me with a dialogue box that says “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application..” and if i click continue it says it would continue but if i click quit, it would exit the downloader. However after i clicked continue, nothing happened. hopefully you can help me with this problem, thanks in advance!

    • Raffisays:

      At my pc everything is working fine. So let us search for your problem.
      – Do you use the newest version? (1.5)
      – Are all three downloader files in the same directory? (CloudDownloader.exe, CloudDownloader.exe.config, history.xml)
      – Which song do you want to download? (please send me the soundcloud pagelink, if the first 2 steps didn’t solve your problem.)


  8. This is some great software, thanks for sharing it!!!!!!

    • Raffisays:

      I’ll have a look. There’s already a new release planned for the next days.


  9. Oh Gott, vielen Dank für das kleine Gadget!!!

  10. it doesn’t work! 1.2 worked fine tho.
    it gets error on startup , error while attempting to download the file and whole bunch of other things.
    Look at this log – it might help you fix it

    //edit by Raffi: shortened logfile – because it’s of no importance any longer.

    See the end of this message for details on invoking
    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

    ************** JIT Debugging **************
    To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
    application or computer (machine.config) must have the
    jitDebugging value set in the section.
    The application must also be compiled with debugging

    • Oh! My mistake.
      .config and hystory.xml are required to run properly.
      But why is this nessesary when version 1.2 was stand-alone file and it was more compact to transfer and run?

      • Raffisays:

        It’s still portable. That was important for me. But with config and history from now on you never have to set your favourite translation more than one time.
        Also you get a nice history viewer, so that you’re able to find you loaded songs easily.


  11. jefreesays:

    hi great program .. but when i paste the link from sound cloud into cloud downloader nothing appears ?

    • Raffisays:

      Did you press the “search” button after pasting the link? And which link did you use?


  12. Thank you, cloud downloader, I love you

  13. vreicsays:


  14. Again same problem can’t download all of his songs:

  15. Hey there love the program however some songs are still not showing up to be able to download them. For instance try and download these songs: duck sauce & snoop mix, biggie vs sinatra, goldeneye and dixie goldeneye 007 from

    Email me if you can fix it.


    • Raffisays:

      I’ll have a look on that in the next days. And shure, I’ll send you a mail, if it’s fixed.


  16. BESTYsays:

    Well, i’ve tried to download it on both the most updated Firefox as well as, the latest windows 7 update. My Dell 1545, is fully updated and either way when i download the programme it downloads into MP3 format and wants to open with Windows media player which loads up, before coming up with this error message: “Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.” And i can only close it or “get web help” Which hasnt helped. I hope you can pass on some help for me, as from what i’ve seen, you’ve designed a really good prgramme.

    Thanks so much for you help.

    • Raffisays:

      Ok, let me think about that. Am I right that we speak about the download of the Cloud Downloader Program itself? If you click download at my blog, it serves you an mp3-file? Have you tried to show the file extensions at the windows explorer and change the extension from .mp3 to .zip?

  17. how do i download soundcload downloader and where

    • Raffisays:

      Look at the article above. In the middle of the article is a fat link which points to the download. It’s named “Download: CloudDownloader”. Click on it!

  18. Chones7says:

    Raffi, I can download the program easily, but i get an error message when I try to run it. Can you please help. The following message pops up:

    “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.”

    “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

    When I press Continue, and when I paste the soundcloud link to the program and press Search, nothing happens.

    • Raffisays:

      At the error dialog you should be able to send the problem report or click on a “link” called inner exception. I really need more information.
      The only things you could check from yourside are these two:
      – Are all three CloudDownloader files in the same directory? (CloudDownloader.exe, CloudDownloader.exe.config, history.xml)
      – Is atleast the .Net-Framework 3.5 installed on your machine?

      Please check these two things and look again for more detailed error messages. If all the things doesn’t work, I’ll build you a special version which traces every step, so that we can find the problem. But this means a bit of work for me, so this should be the last try.


  19. BESTYsays:

    Even when i just click ‘Open’ it opens up media player. Before saying “Windoes media player is unable to play…..”

    • Raffisays:

      That’s really, really strange. You’ve to doubleclick on the “CloudDownloader.exe”-File. It’s concepted for Windows OS and you need the .Net-Framework. I hope this helps you.

  20. BESTYsays:

    Hi, I’m having a bit of a problem with downloading. I hit download and it downloads into MP3 and i’m unable to use the programme. I’m using a Windows 7 PC using the most updated Firefox..


    • Raffisays:

      Could you please describe me your problem more detailed? Which part doesn’t work and which error message is shown?


      • BESTYsays:

        No error message shown. It’s just when i download the programme, it downloads into MP3 format, instead of the programme. How do i get around this?

        • Raffisays:

          The download link at my blog refers to an .zip archive. If you get an mp3-File, you should try to rename it to an .zip file.

  21. ladybugssays:

    Wow Raffi, all requests perfectly implemented – that was QUICK!
    I like everything about this nifty little program: the clean layout, the human-readable XML config files, the “no install needed” philosophy.
    Thanks a lot!

    Download is as quick as your connection allows. Lighting fast here – at least at night.

  22. Nivadalinuxsays:

    Hi Raffi thank for this little program you have, It work but it took me almost an hour to download 1 track hehehe, but it work thank you ^_^

  23. i need this in mp3 format

    • Raffisays:

      Could you please describe me your problem more detailed? If you put this link into the Cloud Downloader you can download the song easily in mp3 format.


  24. ladybugssays:

    Hello Raffi,
    THANKS for a wonderful little program; it’s really useful!
    I have a few suggestions to improve it:

    1) When the user pastes a new Soundcloud URL in the Search field, do not clear the list of previously listed tracks, so the user can gather several tracks from different pages before clicking “Download” (and maybe going for coffee ;-)

    2) Remember the previous save location, so we don’t have to navigate to it again with the clumsy windows folder selector – and change the folder selector with the other one (the one that allows you to type or paste the pathname).

    3) Give the user a quick way to select all items for download.

    3) This might be harder to implement, so maybe not worth it: keep a list of downloads with the save path, as do many web browsers with the the “Downloads” tab/page.

    Great little program indeed, already as it is!

    • Raffisays:

      Hey ladybugs,

      thank you for your feedback. I agree to all your ideas for improvement of the Cloud Downloader. I’ll try to implement them during the next days. If I’m ready I’ll also will send you a short mail.


    • Raffisays:

      There’s a new version avaible! All your suggestions are implemented in these version. Please download, test it and give me feedback.


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